Monday, May 26, 2008

Beginnings in Guatemala

I made it safely to Guatemala, and we just got back from our first day at our mission sites.  I went with several others to a school in a village called "Panamaquin." After we finally made it up the hour-or so-long drive on a dirt road up a mountain (emphasis on "up"), Jonathan Nason and I started out the morning painting a metal roof (blood red paint...and it's still on me).  We had backyard Bible club after lunch with the kids at the school (around 50 of them).  I got to lead a couple songs, which was interesting because they were all in Spanish.  Really, I was only just singing along to familiar songs with a CD, but the new words did make it difficult.  Tomorrow I will be going to an orphanage called "Amor del Nino." Some of the ones who went to the orphanage today said they were swamped by kids.  It should be fun! Please continue to pray for us!

The picture above is one I took from the roof of the house we are staying in. Amazing.


Smith Family said...

I am glad to hear you made it safely! I love you little bro! Keep doing God's will! You are always in my prayers!

Anonymous said...

i am praying for yall.
i miss my friends. love you guys!