Friday, May 29, 2009
Back in Guatemala!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009
The Future
Well, I'm back in school, and, well, it's going. 18 hours seemed overwhelming, if not impossible, at first, but I think I'm getting used to it now.
As for "The Future," this summer I will be going back to Guatemala, as well as to Belize for the first time. I was hoping to be able to go to Uganda for the International World Changers project this summer, but Belize is looking like the best option right now. More details to come on what we will be doing in each of these countries, but for now here are the dates:
Guatemala : May 28 - June 4
Belize: June 20 - 27
Please be in prayer for these trips as the teams going begin to form and plan more!
Also, here is a link to all the mission trips that our college group is participating in this summer as well as a link to all the ones that the entire church is involved in. Please pray for missions!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
You say goodbye, I say hello...
I'll be in Dar Es Salaam sometime tomorrow (the arrival time isn't on our itinerary so I really don't know when...) for debriefing with all of the other HandsOn missionaries from this semester in the CESA region. We leave Dar on Tuesday and get home on Wednesday afternoon. There are 2 others flying in to Memphis with me, so I'm excited about that.
Thanks for your prayers and I look forward to seeing everyone in just a few days!!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
So many pictures...
Uganda [thus far] 11
Uganda [thus far] 12
Uganda [thus far] 13
Uganda [thus far] 14
Uganda [thus far] 15
Also added a countdown for when I leave for Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. I tried to add another for when I will be arriving in Memphis, but I couldn't figure out how to add another event. Maybe after the first countdown finishes it will move to the next event. We'll see...
Thanks for your continued prayers, and I look forward to being home and seeing everyone in less than 2 weeks!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
I'm writing a book...

I am going to Entebbe today for a Thanksgiving lunch with a bunch of the missionaries in the country here. All of the guys are going fishing on Lake Victoria (second widest freshwater lake in the world) sometime after lunch, so that should be fun. HAPPY THANKSGIVING from Uganda!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Another month gone by...
Pray for my teammates and I as we have begun wrapping up our areas of ministry, preparing to leave in just a few short weeks. Our schedule for departure begins on December 13 as we will fly from Uganda back to Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania [where we were for orientation] for a few days of debriefing with all of the other HandsOn teams. All of the HandsOn teams will depart from Tanzania on December 16, flying into D.C. and parting ways from there to arrive at our respective homes on December 17.
I'm working on a post of what God has shown me this semester, kind of an overall summary of sorts. It was going to be part of this post, but I decided I should put some more time and thought into it and really just search for more. I'm excited and nervous about sharing what God has shown me. With that said, I promise at least one more post.
Thanks for your continued prayers! Hope everyone likes the new song."Love, after all, matters the most..." Share that Love with someone!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Long time, no...blog?
Last night, the 3 of us went with Douglas to Butabika to go to a medical school and meet with students there. It was pretty much awesome. There are some incredible guys and girls there who are so eager to do great things for Christ! I got to see one of the dorm rooms. It was about 3 or 4 times the size of my closet back home and had 2 bunk beds, so 4 guys stayed in each room. We rode with Douglas in a car he is borrowing from some missionaries who are stateside [I think], and that's been an experience. Ugandans are interesting drivers, to say the least. The car was pretty cool. It is a Mitsubishi Pajero, an older model, but it had leather, armrests that folded down on both sides of the back seats, and get this, an oversized sunroof over just the back seat. I decided that it might just be the African equivalent to a town car or some other car good for having a chauffeur . :) On the way home we opened up the sunroof and looked out at the clear night sky. Marvelous.
But enough about cars. I'm excited about the days ahead. I am going to be putting a video together for the missionaries here, a presentation of the different ministries going on here. I will hopefully be going out with the different missionaries in the days and weeks ahead to take pictures at different sites. Also, looking at possibly going to an orphanage in Jinja sometime next week with Hannah and Breanne.
I just discovered Stewart and Kelsey's blogs online, so I added them to the links on the right. I'm so excited about all the things God is doing back home in the lives of my friends! I'm so proud of the huge leaps of faith that people are taking in trusting God with things. It's awesome that people are seeing that there is something greater in life than just the "American dream." To my friends back home: you are all amazing! Keep striving to do good things for God, and in turn, He will turn them into GREAT things! I am so seriously proud of all of you and miss everyone so stinkin much! I love you and am praying for you all!
Thanks to everyone for your prayers and love. Continue to glorify God in all you DO! [keyword: DO something!]
New Album: Uganda [thus far] 10